“Acknowledging the challenging reality facing refugees in Türkiye, IRQR emphasizes the importance of ongoing support in light of prolonged waiting periods for resettlement.”
Arsham Parsi
Founder and Executive Director
Sexual orientation and gender identification are recognized as protected human rights by jurisdictions throughout the world, including Canada (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and most provincial and territorial human rights codes), the European Union (the Charter of Fundamental Rights), and over 65 members of the United Nations that are signatories to the UN Statement on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Unfortunately, many other countries still do not recognize sexual orientation and gender identity as human rights and persecute LGBTQIA+ individuals. Iran is one such country, and this has forced thousands of LGBTQIA+ Iranians to flee their homeland and seeking asylum or become refugees in the countries that accept them for who they are.
The overwhelming majority of LGBTQIA+ refugees flee to neighbouring Türkiye, where they file claims for asylum with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). The UNHCR assesses each claim and if a claim is determined to be valid, the UNHCR identifies a new country for the refugee based on his/her circumstances. Often the assigned country is either Canada or the United States of America.
Since September 2018, UNHCR office in Türkiye phased out refugee status determination pursuant to UNHCR’s mandate and Turkish authorities fully assumed this role.
Since 2008, IRQR’s provisions of support and counselling to LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and refugees have become a reliable source of help for people who are seeking to move on from past persecution. Through IRQR refugees will gain confidence, and develop lasting support networks, as well as increasing their chance of being successfully resettled and accepted in their new home. This support includes but is not limited to financial aid for shelter, food, and healthcare. IRQR involvement with their LGBTQIA+ refugee cases start when they leave their home country and continues until they arrive at a safe country. We aim to provide support during the entire refugee process.
Founding Members
Arsham, Gilles, Johanne, and Paul founded the Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees on October 8th, 2008. They were the founding members of the board of directors and indeed without their efforts IRQR would not exist now. IRQR aids queer refugees from the Middle East from start to finish of the resettlement process.

Our goal is to eliminate LGBTQIA+ issues as part of mainstream human rights discourse and hope to achieve this goal though media presence and contributions to high profile events. IRQR regularly visits various cities in Türkiye to meet refugees, document their situation, and collect their feedback on IRQR activities. We have witnessed significant changes among the Iranian society in that last ten years, which confirms positive steps towards our initial mandate.
From 2005 to 2019, IRQR has been able to help in processing over 1900 refugee applications. Approximately 93% of refugees who approached IRQR were successfully granted refugee status. We provide consultations to about 90 clients per week including LGBTQIA+ individuals currently living in Iran, Iran’s neighboring countries such as Türkiye, and Canada. IRQR works closely with UNHCR office, Non-Governmental Organizations, and the Government to assist refugees.
Whenever possible IRQR extends financial and educational support to those currently in transit countries through donations. We connect asylum seekers and refugees with UNHCR offices around the world. IRQR has a commitment to help refugees resettle in safe countries though referrals for housing, employment, and legal aid as well as supporting clients through emotional and health related issues.
In the last few years, we were able to build a simple structure and focus upon enabling Iranian queer asylum seekers to be safe on their journey and arrive in a new country to live and be free.
The typical refugee process in Türkiye takes 5 to 8 years.
Without official documentation, asylum seekers remain in limbo. Under the threat of arrest and/or deportation, unsettled refugees need to earn money and find their own shelter with no social support system and traumatic stress. Most refugees arrive with little or zero money*, exhausted, pushed to their limits, seeking help and hope. IRQR strives to deliver on that hope.
The hope of the queer refugee is to live joyously, free of violence.
IRQR assists those seeking asylum throughout the resettlement process by providing unique programs , as well as:
- Assessing individual vulnerabilities and providing guidance to plan for the challenges ahead;
- Inquiring on behalf of individuals at the pre decision process;
- Providing affidavits to UNHCR and the Turkish government on the individual’s behalf;
- Counseling individual for immigration and settlement interviews with UNHCR and the Turkish government;
- Petitioning UNHCR and the Turkish government to expedite processes for individuals and following up;
- Navigating interagency and international bureaucracy on behalf of the individual (the hurdles here take years);
- Assisting with completion of immigration and/or sponsorship forms; and
- Providing resources about settlement in Canada and the USA, including what to expect and how to adapt culturally to a new way of life.
*IRQR offers temporary financial or housing aid as part of its Safe House and Emergency Relief (SER) Program.